Institut Escoffier offers a diverse range of bachelor's degree programs that cater to Higher School Certificate and General Certificate of Eduction holders in collaboration with reputable French universities. These programs are based on diploma awarded by the French Government and span a duration of three years. After the successful completion of the bachelor's degree program, students may opt to continue their education at the master's level or seek professional opportunities.
The programs are classified into two departments:
Le département du luxe dispose de deux bachelors :
- Responsable du Développement Commercial (Bachelor Marketing)
- Licence Professionnelle de Droit, Economie, Gestion, Mention Organisation et Gestion des Etablissements Hôteliers et de Restauration Parcours Type Manager d’Unité Hôtelière de Luxe
The Culinary Arts department presents two types of Bachelor's degrees as follows:
- Licence professionnelle Métiers des Arts Culinaires et Arts de la Table parcours Management de la Restauration
- Licence professionnelle Métiers des Arts Culinaires et Arts de la Table, parcours Management Opérationel de la Restauration Gastronomique à Vocation Internationale